David Morrow PhD
Director of Research, Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment, American University.
Research Fellow, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy
Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment
American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave.
NW Washington, DC 20016
Dr. Morrow is also Director of Research for the Forum for Climate Engineering Assessment in the School of International Service at American University. His research focuses on normative aspects of climate policy, especially questions of climate justice and the ethics and governance of carbon removal and solar geoengineering. He is the author or co-author of four philosophy textbooks: A Workbook for Arguments, co-authored with Anthony Weston (Hackett, 2015); Moral Reasoning (Oxford University Press, 2017); Giving Reasons: An Extremely Short Introduction to Critical Thinking (Hackett, 2017); and the eighth edition of Norm Melchert’s The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 2018). He is currently working on a book on Values in Climate Policy. Prior to coming to Washington D.C., Dr. Morrow taught philosophy and economics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from The City University of New York and an M.A. in Public Policy from the University of Chicago.
Morrow, D. R. 2017. “Fairness in allocating the global emissions budget.” Environmental Values 26:
Morrow, D. R. 2016. “Climate sins of our fathers? Historical accountability in distributing emissions
rights.” Ethics, Policy & Environment 19 (3): 335–349.
Morrow, D. R. & T. Svoboda. 2016. “Geoengineering and non-ideal theory.” Public Affairs Quarterly
30 (1): 85–104.
Morrow, D. R. 2015. “Wants and needs in mitigation policy.” Climatic Change 130 (3): 335–345.
Mizrahi, M. & D. R. Morrow. 2015. “Does conceivability entail metaphysical possibility?” Ratio 28
(1): 1–13.
Morrow, D. R. 2014. “‘Understanding the mitigation obstruction argument against climate engineering.”
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 372: 20140062.
Morrow, D. R. 2014. “Starting a flood to stop a fire? Some moral constraints on solar radiation
management.” Ethics, Policy & Environment 17 (2): 123–38.
Morrow, D. R. 2014. “When technologies make good people do bad things: Another argument
against the value-neutrality of technologies.” Science & Engineering Ethics 20 (2): 329–43.
Morrow, D. R. 2014. “Why geoengineering is a public good, even if it is bad,” Climatic Change
123(2): 95–100.
Morrow, D. R. & C. A. Sula. 2011. “Naturalized metaphilosophy.” Synthese 182 (2): 297–313.
Morrow, D. R., R. E. Kopp & M. Oppenheimer. 2009. “Toward ethical norms and institutions for
climate engineering research.” Environmental Research Letters 4
Morrow, D. 2009. “Moral psychology and the ‘Mencian creature.’” Philosophical Psychology 22(3):